Monday, June 25, 2007

Valuing the Client

The present times demand on the part of the companies, a greater approach in the satisfaction of the client; fulfilling in most of the expectations that a product or service requires. But who go ahead but they are and they will be the companies that day to day are surpassing the expectations of the client.

How are they doing it?

· Fulfilling the specifications of the product or service.

· The product or service fulfills the objectives that the client requires.

· Good availability.

· With you deliver in time.

· With deliveries in time.

· The Value added to its products or services.

· Constant feedback client - supplier.

If we want to maintain the clients present we must put attention in the previous points, which will as well bring new potential clients for its company. To value the Client, is to know its necessities and problems, thus, we can focus our resources in an excellent product or service that will manage to cover the necessities and will solve the problems, satisfying to the Client.

The client who feels that their necessities or problems are solved by a product or service, did not let consume it while she continues fulfilling the objectives; new necessities or problems on the part of the Client can arrive; that in the Client-Supplier Feedback they must be considered by the Company (Supplier) to be updating the product or service in agreed to the necessities of the Client, otherwise, entered the field a new Supplier with a product that will fill to the new expectations of the unsatisfied client and that will finish moving it.

It is of extreme importance of maintaining one narrow Client-Supplier relation to be updated to the necessity-problems of the Client, to take into account any complaint by minim that we consider it, to put under it evaluation to give solutions. Solutions are what our Clients look for, give the solution him who they need with our products and services, and better even surpass what the client hopes of us. Thus we will have a satisfied Client and that is faithful to the product or service that we offered him.

It is necessary to be meticulous in which we do, often east aspect neglects when we thought “something small, did not concern…”, single we take the place from the client. When we are going to buy a product or service, we are well meticulous in everything, since we do not want to take to house:

”a shirt with a button less”,

“a car with a small ray in the painting”,

“a footwear with a lower number than other one”,

“a package with less pounds than the stipulated thing”

And the list can be enlarge, since most of us since clients we have happened in some similar or different case, but the common one of all is “do not concentrate well on this”. As Clients we would like to know that we have in our suppliers to confidence people, who did not give defective products to us, since they have his efforts trims in making the best product or offering the best service for the satisfaction of the client. So we do this, reality for our clients, focusing all our effort in an excellent product or service that offers that confidence that makes it be safe with us.

Let us play our role of good Suppliers (services or products), and will see our portfolio of satisfied clients and growing. The great corporations have like priority the satisfaction of the client, put that goal in our organizations and will see as it grows with happening of the days.

The present times demand on the part of the companies, a greater approach in the satisfaction of the client; fulfilling in most of the expectations that a product or service requires. But who go ahead but they are and they will be the companies that day to day are surpassing the expectations of the client.

How are they doing it?

· Fulfilling the specifications of the product or service.

· The product or service fulfills the objectives that the client requires.

· Good availability.

· With you deliver in time.

· With deliveries in time.

· The Value added to its products or services.

· Constant feedback client - supplier.

If we want to maintain the clients present we must put attention in the previous points, which will as well bring new potential clients for its company. To value the Client, is to know its necessities and problems, thus, we can focus our resources in an excellent product or service that will manage to cover the necessities and will solve the problems, satisfying to the Client.

The client who feels that their necessities or problems are solved by a product or service, did not let consume it while she continues fulfilling the objectives; new necessities or problems on the part of the Client can arrive; that in the Client-Supplier Feedback they must be considered by the Company (Supplier) to be updating the product or service in agreed to the necessities of the Client, otherwise, entered the field a new Supplier with a product that will fill to the new expectations of the unsatisfied client and that will finish moving it.

It is of extreme importance of maintaining one narrow Client-Supplier relation to be updated to the necessity-problems of the Client, to take into account any complaint by minim that we consider it, to put under it evaluation to give solutions. Solutions are what our Clients look for, give the solution him who they need with our products and services, and better even surpass what the client hopes of us. Thus we will have a satisfied Client and that is faithful to the product or service that we offered him.

It is necessary to be meticulous in which we do, often east aspect neglects when we thought “something small, did not concern…”, single we take the place from the client. When we are going to buy a product or service, we are well meticulous in everything, since we do not want to take to house:

”a shirt with a button less”,

“a car with a small ray in the painting”,

“a footwear with a lower number than other one”,

“a package with less pounds than the stipulated thing”

And the list can be enlarge, since most of us since clients we have happened in some similar or different case, but the common one of all is “do not concentrate well on this”. As Clients we would like to know that we have in our suppliers to confidence people, who did not give defective products to us, since they have his efforts trims in making the best product or offering the best service for the satisfaction of the client. So we do this, reality for our clients, focusing all our effort in an excellent product or service that offers that confidence that makes it be safe with us.

Let us play our role of good Suppliers (services or products), and will see our portfolio of satisfied clients and growing. The great corporations have like priority the satisfaction of the client, put that goal in our organizations and will see as it grows with happening of the days.